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San Diego College of Continuing Education

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Continuing Education Students to Receive $87,475 in Scholarships During April 26th Banquet

April 24, 2024

2023 SDCCE Scholarship Recipient & Plumbing Student

On Friday, April 26, 2024, San Diego College of Continuing Education will recognize the accomplishments of 188 students at its Forward Together to Your Future Scholarship and Awards Ceremony. The banquet-style celebration will take place from 4-6 p.m. at the front lawn of the Educational Cultural Complex (4343 Ocean View Blvd. 92113).

A record-breaking $87,475 in scholarships and awards will be presented to students who have returned to the classroom as adults 18 and older to achieve a high school diploma/equivalency, workforce training and/or transition to college. For the first time in the college's history, scholarship recipients will have the opportunity to engage with contributing donors.

“This year is groundbreaking for San Diego College of Continuing Education, this banquet marks the largest amount of funds we have raised in scholarships following the Covid-19 Pandemic. We serve the most vulnerable populations in the state and we attribute this generous gift of eliminating barriers through education to our distinguished donors and philanthropists,” said Dr. Tina M. King, College of Continuing Education President.

Scholarships and awards are made possible through the SDCCE Foundation. Fundraising is supported through donors, administrators, faculty, staff, and community partnerships.

The SDCCE Foundation received a $400,000 bequest from the late former adjunct faculty member, Mr. William Rosen in February 2020. Rosen’s trust will fund scholarships and supports for career education, English as a Second Language (ESL), and Promise students through 2025. This year 16 students will be given the William A. Rosen Scholarship including 48-year-old High School Diploma/Equivalency Student, Marisol Sosa.

“I would benefit greatly from the William A. Rosen scholarship because I need to buy a computer, which will allow me to use the software programs required in my classes. In previous semesters, I had many problems with my tablet and couldn’t access programs properly, now I will be able to complete my assignments and help my classmates,” said Sosa.

Among the 2024 scholarship and award winners are Chancellor’s Scholarship recipient Cecila Nunez, President’s Service Award recipient Adonis Pierre Raynald, and Dr. Robert Matthews Memorial Scholarship recipient Michelle Cuthbert. A noteworthy 42 brain injury survivors will be given an Acquired Brain Injury Program (ABI) Anne Heller Scholarship through the ABI Trust and the college's partnership with the San Diego Brain Injury Foundation.

Like many adult students, Raynald, 39, came to the College of Continuing Education from another country - Haiti - to learn English and to advance in the workforce as a music engineer. The father of three shares, “Earning the president’s scholarship means a lot, I am going to use it to help my family.”

SDCCE students will also benefit from the San Diego Promise Scholarship, two years of free tuition toward San Diego City, Mesa, and Miramar colleges. The College of Continuing Education is the only noncredit college in the nation that provides pathways for adult students to enroll in a Promise program.

“I am thrilled to be part of this remarkable occasion. It is a genuine privilege to witness our generous donors investing in the future generation of students and leaders who will positively impact our communities,” said Dr. Tami Foy, CEO and Executive Director of the SDCCE Foundation.

During the April 26th event, scholarship awardees will be celebrated amongst family and friends. The program will begin promptly at 4 p.m.

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Allura Olympia Garis
Brenna Leon Sandeford