To obtain a student ID card, you will need to be enrolled in an active semester. Please visit a San Diego College of Continuing Education Student Services Office and bring a valid government issued ID that includes your name, date of birth, signature and picture.
(See SDCCE Campuses for locations and hours of operation)
- Must be enrolled in at least one class
- Provide another form of photo ID
- Driver's License, State Identification Card, US Passport/Card, High School ID, Military ID (Driver's Permits DO NOT qualify as photo identification)
The student ID card is free of charge and includes the student’s picture, name, and college ID number. A student ID card may be required to obtain a parking permit or upon request of a college employee to obtain services. The student ID card is valid at City, Mesa, Miramar and Continuing Education colleges.
Student ID cards will not be issued to students with holds. Students will be able to view a hold on their CE Student Dashboard in mySDCCD. Please contact the College of Continuing Education campus located closest to you if you have any questions regarding the hold.
(See SDCCE Campuses for locations and hours of operation)