Veteran Services


Veteran Services at San Diego Continuing Education serves Veteran students with dignity, respect, and honor. Veteran Services is committed to provide effective and timely services in an inclusive, challenging and supportive learning environment that prepares Veteran students for their academic and career pathways.

SDCCE’s Veteran Services is here to help Veteran students take charge of their education. Please contact Veterans Services in the Admissions and Records Office at 619-388-4935. A staff member will respond to emails and/or calls.

Use Your VA Education Benefits at SDCCE

  • Automotive Technician
  • Auto Body and Paint Technician
  • Automotive Service Advisor
  • Gas Metal and Flux Cored Arc Welding
  • Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
  • Shielded Metal Arc Welding

Please contact ECC Student Services at 619-388-4956 or for more information about SDCCE’s Skills Trades Program.

Please contact the Admissions and Records Office at 619-388-4935 for more information about using your VA education benefits at SDCCE.

Steps to Certification at SDCCE

  1. Get started with your VA Education Benefits at
  2. Complete your Application to SDCCE
  3. Recieve Your welcome email to SDCCE with your Student ID
  4. Set up your MySDCCD student portal
  5. Complete any items on your To-Do list in your MySDCCD portal check the online SDCCE class schedule for available courses
  6. Make a certification appointment by contacting Admissions and Records Office at 619-388-4935
  7. Complete your VA Education Benefits certification process with SDCCE Admissions and Records located at ECC in room 61C
  8. Communicate regularly with Veterans Services, we are here to help!
  9. Attend class regularly and complete your program on-time.

Students must have an email to apply and register at SDCCE. If you do not have an active email, sign-up for a free gmail account here.

Tips for Veteran Students to be Successful at SDCCE

  • Attend your classes and begin making progress toward your academic and career goals! - Check-in regularly with SDCCE’s Veteran Services to be sure you're on target for completion.
  • Keep copies of all forms for your records.
  • Meet with an academic counselor to complete or update your Student Education Plan.
  • Keep your mySDCCD email and student portal updated and always check for important information and updates.


Mission: San Diego College of Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing tuition-free, accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to credit college. Read more about the SDCCE mission »