News Room

San Diego College of Continuing Education

Office of Communications

Upholstery Students Help NASSCO

A project by SDCE’s upholstery class created a NASSCO ship out of foam, which was used in this year’s NASSCO Family Day.

Lynette Martinez who works in Planning for NASSCO, contacted Continuing Education instructor Ernie Romero, to ask if current studnets in the Upholstery Certificate Program could work on the project.

Instructor Romero and some of his students helped to create the NASSCO ship. Some of the students who helped with the blind stitching and the steaming of the ship parts were Antonio Marroquin, Cardell Hill, Gianinna Flores, Robin Morris and Eric Villanueva.

The NASSCO employees’ children had an awesome time playing with the ship. It could be disassembled (and reassembled) so several enjoyed building the ship while others enjoyed jumping in it and displacing the parts.