Join us for this thought-provoking webinar that examines the history of traditional grading practices andasks: How did we get here? Why and how have we adopted our grading practices? During this time, you will getto review the three pillars of equitable grading while surveying a variety of short-term and long-termpractical tips and tools you can use to make grading transparent, bias-free, and supportive of a growthmindset.
Presenter Bio:Susana Marcelo is a Professor of English at Los Angeles Valley College and the Puente Program Co-Coordinator. Herexpertise is in designing courses that use data-informed inquiry to inspire students in their journey as life-longlearners. She earned a Master of Arts degree in English from Cal State Northridge (2014) where she worked as anInstructional Designer with Faculty Development and taught with the department of Central American and TransborderStudies and the Educational Opportunity Programs (EOP). She also served for some time as the department’s WritingCoordinator for first-year writing curriculum and the Creative Director of La Ceiba: The Undergraduate Journal ofCentral American and Transborder Studies. Currently, she is finishing Cal State Fullerton’s Master of Science inInstructional Design and Technology (2024). With nearly a decade of experience, she has designed numerous webinars,microcredential curriculum, and courses.