Letter to the SDCCE Community - December 6, 2023

Dear SDCCE Community,

We hope this email finds you well. We are thrilled to share that this week marked the beginning of phase two of implanting the new Student Centered Enrollment Process. The progress has been remarkable, and we would like to highlight some key developments.

Enrollment Highlights (as of December 6, 2023, 8:00 am):

  • Completed Orientations: 269
  • Total Enrollments Across all Programs: 6,240 (Compare to 2,451 enrollments at the same point last year)
  • Students on Waitlist: 37

Enrollment Data Insights:

It's impressive to note the substantial increase in total enrollments compared to the second day of registration last year. Your efforts are truly making a difference!

Noteworthy Achievements:

  • Permission codes were removed from most classes (excluding High School, ESL, DSPS, some healthcare classes).
  • Waitlist functionality was implemented for most programs (ESL waitlist to be introduced during Summer enrollment).
  • To-Do list function activated for all new students.
  • New online orientation launched

Key Information for Your Teams:

  1. Admissions and Records, in collaboration with District Ed Services, continues to address system issues. The batch process for orientation is functioning well, and waitlists are fully operational. Most errors pertain to student groups.
  2. Urgent: Student services staff should verify the active or discontinued status of students. Discontinued students must submit a new application, while those not discontinued do not require a new application.
  3. A&R Zoom Troubleshooting: Please participate in the A&R Zoom sessions for troubleshooting. Avoid emailing issues unless specifically requested. Issues can often be resolved promptly during the Zoom sessions, allowing staff to immediately return to assisting students.
  4. Continuous Learning: A&R is providing additional training during the open Zoom sessions, offering staff the opportunity to enhance their understanding of CS processes.


Thank you for your dedication and hard work. Together, we are shaping a more streamlined and efficient enrollment experience for our students.


Shakerra Carter, Vice President Student Services
Minou Spradley, Vice President Instruction

Mission: San Diego College of Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing tuition-free, accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to credit college. Read more about the SDCCE mission ยป