Letter to the SDCCE Community - November 30, 2023

Dear SDCCE Community,

We trust this message finds you in good health and high spirits. As we reflect on the past year, we are thrilled to share the exciting success of our collective effort in transforming our student application platform and revolutionizing our enrollment process with a student-centered focus.

A little over a year ago, we embarked on the journey of creating an equity-minded strategic enrollment management plan. The Student Onboarding workgroup, comprising faculty, classified professionals, students, and administrators, played a pivotal role in recommending the adoption of the non-credit version of CCCApply as SDCCE's new application platform. This recommendation garnered unanimous support from key committees and councils, culminating in the unanimous approval by the President's Cabinet on October 19, 2022.

The transformative changes introduced to our enrollment process include:

  • Implementation of CCCApply as the new application platform
  • Transition from in-person orientations to a comprehensive online orientation
  • Utilization of the "To Do" List feature in Campus Solutions
  • Introduction of the Waitlist feature in Campus Solutions to manage course capacity

In preparation for this groundbreaking transition, the Student Services team conducted over 40 training sessions, engaging program Deans, Chairs, Assistant Chairs, classified professionals, and project assistants in program and department meetings to ensure widespread awareness and gather valuable feedback.

Phase 1:

Leading up to the CCCApply launch on October 31, 2023, comprehensive training sessions were organized, covering CCCApply Noncredit Application Overview (8 sessions) and Campus Solutions Updates (5 sessions).

We are delighted to announce that as of yesterday, November 28, 2023, over 1,500 applications have been submitted through CCCApply. Here's a breakdown of the numbers:

CCCApply Noncredit Application stats:

  • No. of applications submitted: 1,550
  • No. of applications in suspense for further review: 342
    • No. of suspense applications that have been processed
    • No. of suspense application pending review or student documentation
  • No. of applications processed: 1,450

Phase 2:

Monday, December 4, 2023, marks the beginning of phase two of the new process. Starting Monday, December 4th at 8:00 am, students will be able to enroll in their classes. Additionally, the waitlist functionality will go live in Campus Solutions, allowing students to hold a space on the waitlist when a class is full. *Note, the waitlist feature will be implemented for ESL in late Spring.

Our outreach team has expanded to include over 30 student success specialists, each assigned to specific campuses to provide onboarding support through campus welcomes.

Campus/Welcome Center Hours:


We commit to keeping you informed with weekly updates as we continue to refine and enhance the new enrollment process. Meanwhile, please find a list of important resources below:

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Finally, we extend our sincere gratitude to each one of you for your unwavering support throughout this journey. A special thank you to Maureen Rubalcaba, Libbier Bakit, Tavaris Franklin, and Valeria Ramirez for their outstanding leadership in this endeavor, to Deans Jarrell and Hester supporting and leading enrollment activities for their programs, and to all our student services and instructional deans for supporting and preparing program faculty and staff for this major transition. This has truly been a joint endeavor!

Thank you again for your dedication and commitment to our shared mission of enhancing the student experience at SDCCE.


Shakerra Carter, Vice President of Student Services
Minou Spradley, Interim Vice President of Instructional Services

Mission: San Diego College of Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing tuition-free, accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to credit college. Read more about the SDCCE mission ยป