Front End Web Developer

Front End Web Developer I

86 hours
5 hours
per week
18 weeks

The Front End Web Developer I program is designed to provide students with an introduction to the Web Development Industry. Front End Web Developers design the user interface and are responsible for visual design, user interaction, and browser compatibilities, and the courses offer the student a look into the ecosystem. The program courses include basic web programming, components of a website, pre-planning tools and strategies of preliminary web development utilizing user an overview of the internet, file management in relation to web development, components of a website, basic web authoring techniques using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), and basic styling and structuring techniques using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Additionally, the program courses provide the student with important soft skills that are critical in this industry, including communication, honesty, teamwork, punctuality, integrity, accountability, and organization.

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Receive the Front End Web Developer I certificate by completing two courses:

  • COMM 670 Web Development Fundamentals
  • COMM 671 Soft Skills in Web Development

Front End Web Developer II

360 hours
20 hours
per week
18 weeks

The Front End Web Developer II program is designed to leverage the skills the student learns in the Front End Web Developer I program by pushing the student beyond the basics and into more intermediate and advanced level techniques. In this program, the student learns intermediate to advanced-level skills in HTML and CSS. Additionally, the student is introduced to User Interface Design, specifically learning about user and task analysis, field research methods, usability testing and the UX process, creating sitemaps, wireframes, mood boards, style guides, and more. This course also introduces the student to the promotion of a website through search engine optimization (SEO), which includes basic optimization strategies through keyword research, building inbound links, and optimizing pages and content. Finally, students will learn about accessibility strategies, how to maintain site health, and how to build and maintain a portfolio for success beyond the classroom.

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Receive the Front End Web Developer II certificate by completing four courses:

  • COMM 672 Web Programming: HTML and CSS
  • COMM 673 User Interface Design
  • COMM 674 Modern Web Development Tools
  • COMM 675 Web Development Special Topics
Class Class Number Status Room Type Hours per Week Dates Instructor Class Meetings Textbooks, Materials Fees Class Notes Class Description version

Digital Media & Programming Enrollment Process

  1. Read the enrollment instructions & class details. Once Spring 2025 enrollment opens on Monday, December 2, 2024, please enroll promptly as some classes fill quickly.
  2. Meet with a Counselor to discuss your Educational Plan, understand the requirements for the courses, and map out your career path. To make an appointment with a counselor, call North City Campus at (619) 388-1800 or email .

Possible Career Paths

Examples of jobs you may be qualified for after completion of this program:

  • Web Designer $24-44/hr.
  • User Interface Designer $22-44/hr.
  • Web Application Developer $34-55/hr.

Mission: San Diego College of Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing tuition-free, accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to credit college. Read more about the SDCCE mission »