WIOA Title II Committee

The WIOA Title II Committee (formerly known as the 231 Committee) oversees the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity (WIOA) Title II: Adult Education and Literacy Act federal grant awarded to the Adult Basic Education (ABE), English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult Secondary Education (ASE) programs on a yearly basis. This grant funds coordination of the ABE, ESL and ASE programs, including placement and orientation of students, hiring and selection of new faculty, faculty staff development activities, assessment and collection of data, instructional activities, and purchasing of instructional materials.


  • Coordinate the annual state grant application submission and fulfillment of required deliverables
  • Make recommendations to the administration regarding grant issues
  • Plan for and allocate funds to carry out adult education and literacy activities in ESL, ABE and ASE programs based on program needs assessments
  • Implement required program components, (e.g. competency based system of instruction, placement and orientation, pre- and post-assessment, data collection, technology plan, etc.)
  • Plan for and facilitate staff development activities for ABE, ESL and ASE faculty and staff
  • Monitor WIOA Title II grant expenditures
  • Supervise and analyze collection of assessment data and disseminate regular reports
  • Coordinate activities of instructional support staff (e.g., instructional assistants)
  • Develop career pathways for students


  • WIOA Title II Grant Coordinator, Co-Chair
  • Dean, ABE/ASE
  • Program Chair, ABE/ASE, Co-Chair
  • ABE/ASE CASAS Coordinator
  • Dean, ESL
  • Program Chair, ESL
  • Administrative Technician (1)
  • Accounting Technician (1)
  • CASAS Data Manager (1)
  • Special Projects Manager


This committee meets once each month at a regularly scheduled time. Additional meetings may occur as needed.

Standing Sub-committees

  • Ad hoc committees as needed

Mission: San Diego College of Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing tuition-free, accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to credit college. Read more about the SDCCE mission »