From Academic Senate

Q: Why should I go to Academic Senate meetings?

A: This is your opportunity to find out what issues and challenges are being discussed and to have an influence on how we respond. The Academic Senate (AS) meets the third Tuesday of the month at ECC in Room 186 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Our next meeting is 10/20. Meetings are open to all faculty, staff, administration and members of the public. If you are interested in attending a conference or bringing a speaker to CE, this is your opportunity to have your voice heard. What do we need to expand or do better? Participate in the conversation and help guide the agenda as together we go forward.

Recent highlights: AS Vice President Ingrid Greenberg has been working on setting up screening committees for the hiring of 16 new CE contract instructors. AS Treasurer Neda Orban has been working tirelessly to create streamlined directions for the new PeopleSoft. AS Secretary Rachel Rose has stepped up to be the co-chair of the CE AB 86/AEBG Consortium.

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