Accreditation Self-Study in Final Draft

by Barbara Pongsrikul, Accreditation Steering Committee Co-Chair

SDCE's Accreditation Self-Study process is following the timeline posted on the SDCE Accreditation website. The final draft of the Self-Study is currently in progress and it will be completed by the end of July 2016. During August 2016, the Self-Study will be formatted and evidence will be catalogued. The Accreditation timeline documents SDCE Self-Study development since 2014. In the fall 2016, we will continue to have regular Steering Committee meetings each month on the third Thursday at ECC in Room 186 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. 

The next Steering Committee meeting is June 16, 2016 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at ECC in Room 146 C. During this meeting the Focus/Work Groups will continue adding evidence to their sections of the Self-Study. Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting to get an update on the SDCE Accreditation Self-Study process. 

In early fall, a final draft of the Self-Study will be ready for vetting through our Shared Governance groups. The Self-Study will then go to the Chancellor and SDCCD Board of Trustees for final approval. There will be fall planning to get ready for the Accreditation Site Visit that will take place March 13-16, 2017. During fall Convocation there will be an Accreditation update and also information about how to get involved in the preparation for the WASC visit.

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