Accreditation Update

by Corinne Layton, Accreditation Steering Committee Co-Chair

This summer we have been very busy finalizing the Accreditation Self-Study, including the Action Plan for Ongoing Improvement. In the spring semester we conducted observations in 114 classrooms in the following programs: Basic Skills/High School Diploma (8 classes), Business Information Technology (14), Disability Support Programs and Services (7), English as a Second Language (45), Emeritus (19), Career Technical Education (9), Parent Education (5), Hospitality/Consumer Science (6), and Healthcare Careers (1). Each observer was trained to use a standardized classroom observation form which was used to cite evidence on how classroom activities support our Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs).  Observers were also asked to conduct interviews with the instructor and two students from each class. A compilation of the data (Class Observation Tally, Instructor and Student Interview Results) will be included in the Self-Study.

We will be sharing our Action Plan at our next Steering Committee meeting on July 28, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m., at ECC in Room 186. Accreditation Steering Committee Co-Chairs Dr. Barbara Pongsrikul and Corinne Layton will give an update on Accreditation at Convocation on August 31. In early fall, the Self-Study will be vetted at a number of meetings as part of the Shared Governance Process, prior to being sent to the Chancellor and SDCCD Board of Trustees for approval. During the fall semester we will be actively preparing for the site visits that are scheduled to take place March 13-17, 2017.  

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