Professional Development Update

SDCE has a robust system of providing professional development opportunities for all employees, including faculty, classified professional, and management staff. Focusing on the work accomplished since Spring 2020 when SDCE quickly pivoted to development and delivery of remote and online teaching and learning in March of 2020 and continuing to this day, Laurie provided the following information:

Between late March and the beginning of summer 2020, more than 400 workshops, planning meetings, one-on-one mentoring sessions, webinars, and support sessions were developed and made available to all staff throughout SDCE.

SDCE Faculty ‘fast-tracked’ their Online Certification participation, and by end of Spring 2020, 200+ faculty had been certified, as compared to fewer than 50 to date previously and by end of Summer, 261 faculty had been Canvas Certified, with 70+ currently enrolled for 2020-2021 OFCP

DE Lead & Team was formed with lead Ingrid Greenberg and CE faculty experts, with robust training response and mentoring activities, with support from Passport to Success staff as well - this work continues for 2020-2021

Classified Professionals, who had their well-planned in-person Conference canceled at the last minute, also had to learn to work in a new environment, while continuing to support students, faculty and leadership. Continuing to work together, they provided a number of remote-focused training, providing learning opportunities for faculty and staff.

An important goal for SDCE is to provide more robust and responsive PD for Classified Professionals. Through a focus group activity and a recent survey, high-need areas were identified, including technology areas (Office 365 tools), Customer Service in the Online Environment, and remote work support for all. Laurie will lead the efforts to address these areas.

In Fall 2020, SDCE held its first fully virtual Flex Days. Fall Convocation was one of the well-attended in recent history, with 250-300 attendees. There were 40+ online trainings and meetings, sessions were offered, and many focused on online teaching and learning skills as well as equity-centered/student-centered sessions.

Since Sept. 1, 120+ online teaching and learning related sessions have been provided, with more added daily and one-on-one mentoring continues, as we support our faculty in delivering high-quality, student-centered online courses

Conference Attendance:

Faculty, classified professional and management are currently attending a number of virtual conferences as part of SDCE’s Institutional Cross-Functional Teams. All employees are welcome to become part of a ‘Team,’ and funding is available for all. Upcoming Conferences include

CCCAOE Fall 2020 Virtual Conference, CAEP TAP SUMMIT 2020, RP Group Strengthening Student Success, JSPAC, ACCE Drive-in Fall 2020, Real College Summit with more to come in Spring 2021.


Submitted by 

Laurie Cozzolino, SDCE Flex/PD Coordinator

Mission: San Diego College of Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing tuition-free, accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to credit college. Read more about the SDCCE mission »