EEO/Site Compliance Office


The SCO’s primary role is to manage the Informal Complaint Resolution Process. The SCO is a specially trained and skilled professional knowledgeable of the laws, regulations, policies, and procedures pertaining to Equal Opportunity in education and employment. The SCO is available to resolve and investigate complaints of discrimination and harassment by SDCCD employees, students, and members of the public. The SCO reviews screening committee questions for EEO compliance and provides EEO training. Please feel free to contact me if you need to file a complaint or have any questions.

You can access the relevant policies and procedures under District Governance and Human Resources.

Mission: San Diego College of Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing tuition-free, accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to credit college. Read more about the SDCCE mission »