2016 Spring Flex Days: Building on Success through Professional Growth

by Laurie Cozzolino, SDCE Flex Coordinator


On Monday Feb. 1 & Tuesday Feb. 2, 2016, SDCE faculty, staff and administrators participated in two full days of important meetings, presentations and critical trainings that were well attended by all.  On Monday, morning highlights included a very busy Perkin’s Programs Meeting led by Dean Jane Signaigo-Cox, and also a busy LBGTQ Safe Zone Training, presented by Counselor Lisa Carulli & Noreen Cabrera, SDCD Diversity Committee Community Member. The afternoon included the AFT Meeting w/Lunch & AFT Adjunct Faculty Meeting; a VEBA Health Benefits session (many people reported it as the best ever!) and the roll-out of  ‘Create Your Class Syllabus: Hands-On Online Training’ developed and delivered by SLO/Program Review Coordinator/Faculty Marne Foster.  SDCCD Police staff also presented a customized ALICE training for faculty who teach students with acquired brain injuries or other special needs for the ABI/DSPS faculty and staff, which was reported as excellent and filled an important need for safeguarding both students and staff.  More than 150 people were in attendance throughout the day.

On Tuesday, SDCE Spring Flex Institutional Day was also attended by over 150 faculty, staff and administrators.  The morning began with a welcome, updates, and introduction of new contract faculty with President Turner Cortez, Ph.D. and Acting Vice President of Instruction Esther Matthew, followed by an important and informative accreditation update and research report with Accreditation Co-chairs Barbara Pongsrikul, Ed.D. and Corinne Layton, and research analyst Jessica Luedtke.  Nikki Salmon, Emeritus Faculty, led us all in a MUCH APPRECIATED and sure to be repeated ‘Stretch Break.’  


Following the break, Gary Williams, Ed.D., Instructional Assessment Specialist at Crafton Hills College, presented “Using SLOs, Assessment and Powerful Syllabi to Achieve Student Connectedness and Student Success.”  The interactive session focused on the purposes of assessment, and SLO “Tune-Up”, an overview of rubrics and documenting student success.  Several of our newly hired contract faculty were invited up on stage to participate, and all got an A+ from the audience! Faculty, staff and administrators then broke out into program-based focus groups to work on course rubrics, followed by a President’s Lunch.

The afternoon featured Program Meetings which included Chair Elections; a workshop led by Ingrid Greenberg on “Student Success and Writing Tutors: How Instructors Can Prepare for Volunteers & Tutors;” and an Evening ESL Meeting, General Evening Recap and a “Create Your Class Syllabus: Hands-On Online Training.”

Thanks to all the faculty, staff and administrators who made SDCD Spring 2016 Flex Days a success! 


Mission: San Diego College of Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing tuition-free, accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to credit college. Read more about the SDCCE mission »