Accreditation Update

By Corinne Layton

The Accreditation Steering Committee has been busy planning activities to take place at our Spring Flex Institutional Day on February 2, 2016. Steering Committee co-chairs, Dr. Barbara Pongsrikul and ESL Program Chair Corinne Layton, will provide an update on the Accreditation process including the redesigned Accreditation website, a description of Chapter 1 of the Self-Study report, and an explanation of the classroom observation process that will be completed by the end of March.

Jessica Luedtke, District Research and Planning Analyst, will share the results of the student and employee surveys that were administered in the spring of 2015. Guest lecturer Dr. Gary Williams, Instructional Assessment Specialist at Crafton Hills College and expert on Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs), will make a presentation on “Using SLOs, Assessment and Powerful Syllabi to Achieve Student Connectedness and Student Success.” After Dr. Williams’ presentation, there will be break-out sessions where individual programs will have an opportunity to revisit, revise and/or expand their current SLOs.



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