by Corinne Layton, Accreditation Steering Committee Co-Chair
Since SDCE completed the vetting and approval of the Self-Study through the participatory governance structure, our primary task is preparing for the site visits that will take place March 13-16, 2017. A video will be created to enhance the visits with the theme of “Past, Present and Future” illustrating our history, current instructional programs and achievements and vision for the future.
At our last Accreditation Steering Committee, administrators and faculty were identified to take the lead in showcasing our campuses and programs for the site visits. Showcasing SDCE is an opportunity to demonstrate the uniqueness of each campus in terms of history, diversity and influence of the community. In addition, a room or rooms will be identified at each campus of excellence to feature one or more programs:
CE Mesa – Emeritus; Parenting (Leads: Dean Leslie Quinones, Pat Mosteller and Linda Osborn)
Chavez – Healthcare Careers (Lead: Dean Robin Carvajal)
ECC – High School Diploma/High School Equivalency/Adult Basic Education (Leads: Dean Jane Signaigo-Cox and David Holden); Career Technical Education (Lead: Dean Jane Signaigo-Cox); Student Services; DSPS (Lead: Acting Dean Cynthia Rico)
Mid-City – English as a Second Language (Leads: Dean Barbara Pongsrikul and Corinne Layton)
North City – Business Information Technology (Lead: Dean Carol Wilkinson)
West City – Hospitality and Consumer Sciences (Lead: Dean Lorie Crosby Howell)
If you are interested in getting involved in preparing for the site visits, please contact the lead(s) for the appropriate campus and program listed above. We’d also like to extend an invitation to our next Accreditation Steering Committee Meeting which takes place on Thursday, November 17 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at ECC in Room 186. Showcasing SDCE is a team effort, and we value everyone’s contributions to making this effort a great success!