Appreciation of Annual Integrated Planning Writers

In awe and gratitude for all that you do! 
Submitted by Program Review Commitee


Dear Annual Integrated Planning Writers,

      Your dedication and stellar work is remarkable and greatly appreciated! Each year all programs and departments participate in annual integrated planning. This involves a study  through guided questions, data, and self-reflection of how the program or department is progressing in serving the needs of SDCE students and stakeholders. It is an involved and collaborative process that requires participants to lean all the way in to learn from past practices and build on success. And, each year CE’s Annual Integrated Planning writers do a phenomenal job in addition to steadily moving our institution forward in the most impressive manner! This is really something to behold, but you have done it through the transition to online, all the impact of COVID and the political landscape.  This is extraordinary and program chairs, faculty, deans, professional staff, and senior leadership you are simply the best! The program review committee is in awe and in gratitude for all that you do! Here’s to you and a much-deserved winter break!

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