SDCE's Self-Study Review

Hello San Diego Continuing Education  Community,

Welcome back to Fall 2016. I want to take this opportunity to thank each of you for the incredible work you have done on the SDCE Accreditation Self-Study. It is currently 297 pages in length without a table of contents, glossary, or appendices! Our amazing lead author, Magdalena Kwiatkowski, put those pieces in last night so now it is 349 pages with 114,688 words--we certainly had a lot of great things to say! And I can’t express enough gratitude and commendations about the coordination and leadership provided by the ALO co-chairs, Barbara Pongsrikul and Corinne Layton, throughout this part of the process. I know I’ll continue to rely on them as we take this into the final steps, right up to and including the site visit in March. You have marked your calendars already--I hope! If not, the visit dates are March 13-15 so put it on your calendar now, please.

There is still some editing being done for style, format, and error correction. We really appreciate your help reviewing the final draft to ensure it is the best and most accurate reflection of our school. As you review the document, please send any corrections or feedback directly to me via email ( Corinne Layton is also working with ASB leaders on each campus to create opportunities for student participation. The deadline for final feedback is September 20, 2016.

The Participatory Governance approval of the final draft will occur at the following meetings:    

September 20:           Joint Faculty and Classified Senate

September 21:           Presidents’ Cabinet 

September 28:           Executive Governance Council 

The fully approved final draft will be submitted to SDCCD in early October for fact checking.


Thank you again for all your hard work.


Dr. Kate Alder

Vice President, Instruction

SDCE Accreditation Liaison Officer 



Mission: San Diego College of Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing tuition-free, accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to credit college. Read more about the SDCCE mission »