We're All Together Concert Events

We are looking forward to two concerts.   The Song Within: We're ALL Together!

May 12, 3 pm, Christ Luth.  4761 Cass St.  It's FREE!  YOU will be proud when you hear our students produce these wonderful sounds—beautiful songs that you will love.   

THEN also, June 2, 3 pm, First Baptist, 4747 Soledad Mountain Rd.   The Song Within: We're ALL Together!

We will be joined on this concert with Voices of our City.   Please check out the PBS special:  The Homeless Chorus Speaks.   Neither of the links below have the entire documentary, but you can get a feeling for these wonderful singers.  We can help!  We are so proud and happy to be singing together.    


Their website is https://www.voicesofourcity.org/     Check it out and donate to this amazing effort!  

Our website is http://www.pacificaires.org/

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