Dear San Diego College of Continuing Education,
As we prepare for the holiday break, the Executive President’s Cabinet wants to provide you with guidance on spring 2023 remote work. As promised, I am sending this information to you in November to ensure there is ample time to plan, etc. As you know, fall remote work requests were approved through December 31, 2022. Please note all faculty requests were approved through the fall semester which ends on January 28, 2023. Employees wishing to continue with a remote work schedule beyond December 31, 2022, must submit a new request. The information below is intended to provide guidance to employees who plan to submit a new request for remote work:
- Current remote work approvals will expire on December 31, 2022, with the exception of faculty requests that expire on January 28, 2023.
- Remote work is not allowed for the time period of January 17, 2023, through February 10, 2023. This is a period when "all hands on deck" are needed to support spring enrollment and to provide the best service to students.
- Adhoc remote work requests will be considered for the period of January 3, 2023, through June 10, 2023, with the exception of the “all hands on deck” period. Please note that a student-centered schedule will continue to be developed and the administration has the right of assignment to support the colleges operational needs. Contract faculty members may submit a request for remote work; however, it is during the scheduling process that approvals will be determined. In addition, requests may be considered for the academic year to allow for future planning and assignments. Please recall that District policy does not allow any remote work requests to be approved beyond one year. Please also recall that any remote work request that is approved is subject to being rescinded if the supervisor or administration at any time determines a need for the employee to work fully on campus.
- A maximum of one (1) remote workday per week may be requested on an adhoc basis. This will be assessed through the spring semester and will be re-evaluated for summer and the next academic year.
- All non-faculty employees who are interested in remote work need to enter their requests no later than December 9, 2022.
- All faculty employees who are interested in remote work need to enter their requests no later than January 9, 2023.
- Eligible employees must:
- Not have excess vacation balances;
- Not have an unpaid financial liability to the District;
- Not be on a formal performance improvement plan; and
- Work primarily within the state of California
- This period of remote work will continue the “pilot” period to evaluate whether or not remote work flexibility provides optimum service to students and meets the college’s needs. A review of the effectiveness of remote work continues and will remain ongoing.
- All EPC members, administrators, and campus operations supervisor positions are expected to work in person, adhoc work can be requested on a case-by-case basis to your direct supervisor. The intent is to mitigate operating deficiencies.
Lastly, this was my first semester of working with you all and it has truly energized me. I am appreciative and impressed with the level of love and support our students receive from our college. Thank you all for showing up daily to transform and empower our students’ lives.
I wish you all a happy and restful holiday break. I'm looking forward to seeing you all soon!