Classified Senate

The Classified Senate Executive Council represents classified professionals at all levels in the participatory governance structure of San Diego Continuing Education (SDCE). The primary function of the Classified Senate Executive Council is to provide SDCE Classified Professionals a leadership voice in the institution. The Classified Senate Executive Council is an equal partner in the governance of SDCE.

The Classified Senate maintains internal committees to review, research and analyze specific matters as governed by the Senate Bylaws. These committees make recommendations to the Senate for implementation and final recommendation via the participatory governance process. The Classified Senate also serves to represent the classified professionals of SDCE at District-wide governance meetings, such as the District Governance Council.


  • Make recommendations in the formation and implementation of administrative procedures related to operational matters, especially those which impact Classified Professionals
  • Make appointments and recommendations for hiring committees and other participatory governance committees from among all Classified Professionals


  • Classified Senate President serves a two-year term, elected in even-numbered years, for a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms
  • Officers, including: Vice President, Secretary- Treasurer, and Member-at-Large
  • Up to (12) Senators, divided as follows: - (6) each representing a campus (with CE Mesa and CE Miramar and ECC/HQ represented by a single Senator, each); and - (2) Senators each representing Administrative Services, Instructional Services, and Student Services, for a total of (6) seats
  • Delegates may be appointed to represent other areas, including College Police, Maintenance and Operations, and Auxiliary/Bookstore Operations

Appointments to Committees of the Classified Senate or to any available seat for a Classified Professional on committees and councils at all levels are open to any Classified Professional who wishes to serve. The Vice-President of the Senate is the officer with chief responsibility for delegation of appointments.


The Senate meets once per month according to a schedule set during the organizational meeting in July of each year.

Standing Sub-committees

Committees of the Classified Senate are governed by Article VII of the Senate Bylaws, and include committees on Governance, Elections, Professional Development, and Social Events.

Mission: San Diego College of Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing tuition-free, accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to credit college. Read more about the SDCCE mission ยป