Perkins Committee

Perkins IV Section 134(b) (5) requires that a group of individuals be involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of Career Technical Education (CTE) programs, which are assisted with Perkins IV funds.

This group of stakeholders has been expanded to include academic and CTE faculty. The majority of faculty members on the Local Planning Team should be representatives of CTE programs. Administrators of CTE programs should be integral members of the CTE Local Planning Team. The team may be augmented with other representatives and individuals, as needed, for additional planning advice and expertise.

When revisions to the Perkins fund requirements are released, the VTEA District Dean and SDCE Coordinators review the requirements and additional accountability issues. SDCE’s appointed Dean determines the portion of the Perkins funding that will be available for distribution to all programs that have funding requests that meet the criteria. Each discipline’s Request for Proposal (RFP) for the following year’s funding will be submitted to the committee, at which time the committee will review and discuss the merits of each RFP in the context of the goals of Perkins, and funds will be awarded accordingly. Committee members cannot vote on RFP from their department. Funding recommendations are then forwarded to the Budget Committee for recommendation to the Executive Governance Council.


  • Reviews requests for funding for the Career Technical Education programs within San Diego Continuing Education
  • Provides recommendations for the allocations of the Perkins IV/VTEA funds


  • Dean, Career Technical Education, Chair
  • Deans overseeing Career Technical Education Programs
  • Special Projects Manager
  • Faculty (1) from each Career Technical Education Program
  • Perkins Coordinator (non-voting member)
  • Workforce Partnership Representative


This committee meets in February each year, followed by a review of proposals in March.

Mission: San Diego College of Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing tuition-free, accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to credit college. Read more about the SDCCE mission »