Executive Governance Council

The Executive Governance Council (EGC) is the highest level participatory governance committee in Continuing Education. Accordingly, members of the committee are the highest level executives in the institution, representing Presidents and Vice Presidents from the Academic and Classified Senates. The primary function

of EGC is to promote governance participation and engagement by vetting concerns and topics through appropriate committee structure for detailed review, analysis, and recommendation to EGC. EGC accepts and reviews committee recommendations, rendering an executive recommendation to the Continuing Education President.


  • Promote participation and engagement in the governance structure
  • Rely primarily on participatory governance committee recommendations from the Academic and Classified Senates
  • Act as a final check and review that committee recommendations are based on a non-partisan analysis and review of the facts and data, promoting student success as the primary goal, disclosing and subordinating all other interests
  • Make sound, non-partisan recommendations on important concerns and topics to the San Diego Continuing Education President


There is no tenure in the Executive Governance Council (EGC). Membership is exclusively by positions held as follows:

  • President, Chair (non-voting)
  • Academic Senate President
  • Classified Senate President
  • Vice President, Instructional Services
  • Vice President, Student Services
  • Vice President, Administrative Services
  • Dean of Deans
  • Academic Senate Officers (2)
  • Academic Senate Chair of Program Chairs
  • Classified Professionals (3), appointed by the Classified Senate
  • Student Trustee


Each of the above groups must have a minimum of two (2) of the four (4) of each constituency members present for a quorum to be established. If no quorum exists, an EGC meeting will be cancelled.


This committee meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, September through June.

Mission: San Diego College of Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing tuition-free, accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to credit college. Read more about the SDCCE mission »