Budget Committee

The role of the Budget Committee is to review and report out on the resource allocation processes and financial position for SDCE including educating and informing Faculty and Classified constituencies. Additionally the Budget Committee will respond to other financial related information requests from Executive Governance Council to increase financial transparency related to accomplishing the institutional priorities and mission.


  • Annually review the results of the resource allocation process and provide recommendations for improvements, as needed
  • Periodically review annual SDCE resources to determine trends and patterns
  • Encourage full participation and communication regarding the state, District and SDCE's budgets
  • Review and research budget projections and fiscal policies at a national, state, and local level that may impact the institution


  • Vice President, Administrative Services, Co-chair
  • Academic Senate President, Co-chair
  • Program representatives from each program to include Deans or Chairs, to be determined bycommittee co-chairs
  • Special Projects Manager
  • Faculty from Academic Programs (1+)
  • Faculty from Student Services (1)
  • Faculty from Career Technical Education (1+)
  • Accounting Supervisor
  • Classified Professional (1)
  • Associated Students (1)


This committee meets at a regularly scheduled time every other month in September, November, February, and April, with a potential meeting in May as determined by the committee at the April meeting.

Mission: San Diego College of Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing tuition-free, accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to credit college. Read more about the SDCCE mission »